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This to That - Don’t Let YOU Keep You In A Holding Pattern

How Can I Be More Effective At Goal Setting I think many times when it comes to decision making and goal setting, we think it has to be this to that and I want us to reimagine our approach.

I want to challenge the approach that we don’t have binary options, in fact there are infinite options. What if you considered you could have, be , or do this and that ? How would you move differently ? Would it remove the fear that is crippling you? Here are some tips to buy -in to this thought process

1. Start now - don’t wait because if you delay then you find a reason to not to get started. So make it attractive . What can you bundle together? Choose something that is easy or you have mastered with something that isn’t.

2. Write all the options down. Don’t create no’s. Make a list , keep writing . Seeing your thoughts written down gets you you another step closer.

3. Consider the best case scenario, imagine if you had infinite resources and no limitations.

4. Accept you can do hard things - it may stretch you but you won’t break.

5. Other people want to support you. You have a network, tribe m board of directors. Identify who you need . Ask for help. Accept help.

6. Accept you may have to “Be” different and not “Do” more. Some things you can’t out work, you have to show up differently.

7. Be coachable - ask for feedback. Trust people have your best interest in mind when they are sharing things you could consider or do better.

8. Approach with a learner's mind - what does that mean? Simply put be curious and look for things you can learn or that you may not have seen before. Look for things you missed before.

9. Create healthy streaks - consistency is key but just put one foot in front of another. You may never know I you are doing it right. If you just commit to getting it right opposed to being right , you find joy in the process.

10. Finish - keep commitments that you make to yourself. Even if no-one notices, do it for yourself

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